Peyton Dixon Mr. Steineker

Honors Chemistry 7 May 2020

Climate Change Paper

The Earth’s global temperature is heating up due to the rise in global Carbon emissions from big companies and factories. When fossil fuels such as gas are burned and greenhouse gases are released into the air and cause a drastic temperature change.

As humans have developed so have the machines used. Over the course of human life carbon levels have changed but since the beginning of the industrial revolution there has been a steady increase in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere. This sudden and steady change is changing every life on the planet. Ecosystems are being destroyed, animals go extinct, and resources become more and more limited. Fossil fuels are an unsustainable resource due to there only being a small amount left and no way to create more. However there are many alternatives that are sustainable and clean.

It’s clear that the greenhouse gases being released by humans cause climate change.

As everyone is reducing their need for the fuels the impact is decreasing. The hole in the Ozone layer from the 80s has closed up fully after 40 years of growing. Plants and animals are thriving and waters in streams and rivers are becoming clear. The impact of humans is clear and deadly. It’s unsure whether adopting similar lifestyles to the ones now will create a steady decline in climate change but it does show a promising future.

It is clear humans are a major cause of climate change, look through history. If we want to keep this planet we need to care for it. Life needs to change for the better of the planet not for the better of the people. It took a plague to get the Earth back to somewhat of a good place, it’s clear we need to change our ways.
